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By: Kristina

Any homeowner can tell you that owning a home takes a lot of work – there’s yard upkeep, appliance maintenance, cleaning, and the list goes on and on. It’s been my experience that when one thing breaks, something else is sure to follow. There will always be some expenses that are out of your control; something appliances just break or garage doors stop working, but one of the best ways to ensure that your expenses as a homeowner remain manageable is to perform regular maintenance and upkeep. We’ve compiled a list of easy home maintenance items that will save you money in the long run. These tips will help keep all of your appliances and home systems running smoothly, hopefully preventing costly repairs or replacements.

Clean Filters 

Changing the filter in your heating and air conditioning systems not only helps keep dust at a minimum, but it also ensure that your system runs more effectively, saving you money on heating and cooling.

Clean out the dryer

Clean the lint screen of your dryer every time you dry a load of laundry. You should also pull the dryer away from the wall once a month and clean out the hose. This helps the dryer run more efficiently and prevents the dryer from exuding too much heat. In addition, clogged dryer vents can cause fires, so keeping them clean can help prevent a devastating house fire.

Check for mildew

Mildew can build up very easily and quickly in damp areas like the basement, around bathtubs and sinks, and in kitchens. If you see mildew, take care of it as soon as possible. You can typically clean it with a bleach solution. However, if it is a large area or you’re concerned about cleaning it yourself, you may have to call in the experts. Taking care of a mildew problem quickly prevents you from having to replace whole walls later.

Clean out rain gutters.

Last year, my husband and I received a call from the tenants at our rental property. They said the basement was flooding – words no landlord ever wants to hear! We were lucky, however. When we arrived we realized that the gutters were clogged and a heavy rainfall overnight had caused the runoff from the clogged gutters to make its way through a basement window. It was an easy and inexpensive fix – but only because we found the problem and fixed it quickly. Water can do a lot of damage to your home. Clean rain gutters of leaves and other debris frequently. Even better, install gutter guards.

Trim landscaping.

Overgrown trees, shrubs, and other plants can damage the exterior of your homeVegetation pressing against the side of your home can lead to damage, allowing moisture to build up and even provide a home for unpleasant pests. Overgrown shrubs beside a house are also good cover for intruders, so keep them trimmed away from windows, too.

Take care of pests. 

Bugs and rodents can cause damage to your home. Contact a pest control company to inspect your home bi-monthly or quarterly to ensure that little critters don’t invade your home.