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By: Lilly Prince

There is no place on earth like New Mexico, and New Mexicans wouldn’t have it any other way. Here are 23 unique ways to tell if you’re from the Land of Enchantment:

1. You call every soda “coke.” Even orange soda. Correction: orange coke.
2. You think of crushed rocks and a lawn as the same thing.
3. You unnecessarily make things plural, e.g. Sonics, Walmart's.
4. You close or shut the light, but never turn it off.
5. You eat three square meals a day: breakfast burrito, lunch burrito, dinner burrito.
6. You (correctly) spell Chile with an ‘e.’
7. You can properly pronounce the following words: Tesuque, Cerrillos, Acoma, Buena, Ocotillo, Cochiti, Pojoaque, Socorro and Isleta (and you are a Super New Mexican if you know what and where these places are).
8. You price shop for tortillas.
9. And you don’t even buy bread, because tortillas are bread. Duh.
10. You’ve had someone tell you speak English really well after you’ve told him or her you’re from New Mexico…
11. To you, a burger without green Chile is no burger at all.
12. Your first thought when hearing “Las Vegas” is the northern NM town, not the city in Nevada.
13. You’re disappointed by sunsets when traveling elsewhere.
14. You’re relieved when the pavement ends because the dirt road has fewer potholes.
15. You secretly get a kick out of watching tourists be asked, “red, green or Christmas?”
16. You have read a book while driving from Albuquerque to Las Vegas.
17. You associate bridges with mud, not water.
18. Scorpions, tarantulas and centipedes in your house don’t freak you out.
19. You can’t even deal when someone makes a corny joke about needing a passport to enter New Mexico, drinking the water, or paying in pesos.
20. Presents aren’t the only thing you unwrap at Christmas, because TAMALES.
21. Speaking of tamales, you have no problem buying them out of some guy’s cooler or truck.
22. You know better than to end your sentences with a preposition. Instead, you use “or what?” “or no?” or “huh?” (as in, “I know, huh?”)
23. You can laugh at these jokes because you know New Mexicans are some of the best people around ?

(If most of these apply to you, congratulations! Go and get yourself a Zia tattoo to celebrate and represent your 505 pride).
Did I miss any? What says, “you’re a New Mexican” like nothing else? Tell me in the comments section below.